An ardent cricket fan, Saurabh is covering cricket for last 12 years. He has started his professional journey with the Hindi publication, Navbharat Times (Times of India Group). Later on, he moved to TV (Sadhna News). In 2014, he joined Cricketnmore.
Currently, he is serving as the editor of His grasp on cricket statistics and ability to find an interesting angle in a news story make him a perfect fit for the online publishing business.
He is also acting as a show producer for our ongoing video series - Cricket Tales, Cricket Flashback, & Cricket Trivia
India's Virat Kohli dropped a place to be positioned third in the latest International Cricket Council (ICC) batting rankings for One-Day Internationals (ODI) ...
Dubai: Maiden five wicket haul by Zulfiqar Babar and four wickets by leg-spinner Yasir Shah helped Pakistan to register a memorable win against Australia. ...